Best Forex Brokers:InstaForex raffled new Lotus Evora
Sports Lotus is Your Trade Bonus winner is picked
Recently, the so-called Lotus number has been fixed. Now we know the name of the lucky owner of the Lotus Evora sports car by the legendary British manufacturer Lotus Cars.
The Lotus number logged on June 27 at 23:59 (GMT+2) was closest to the account number with InstaForex of Aleksey Vybornov from Moscow, Russia. After the necessary examinations and checks, Aleksey was named as a winner of the Sports Lotus is Your Trade Bonus campaign. The title holder could choose between the sports car and the money. Aleksey opted for the prize money.
InstaForex warmly congratulates Aleksey on his victory in a two-year campaign and wishes him luck, further record-breaking wins of InstaForex contests and campaigns, and fruitful forex trading. Pretty soon, you will have a chance to watch the video interview with the winner of Sports Lotus is Your Trade Bonus. Stay tuned to our news updates.
As for the rest contestants of Sports Lotus is Your Trade Bonus, they should never give up. Keep on trying and chance your luck at no less exiting campaign – Sport Style: Porsche Cayman from InstaForex with the total prize pool of over $500,000. InstaForex creates an opening for each its client not only to win the premium class car, but also to get a slice of that pie.
Take part and win InstaForex contests and campaigns!