Instaforex – – Hurry, Porsche Cayman to be raffled very soon!
We would like to remind you that you can be the lucky one to win a brand-new sport car if you join the campaign Sports Style: Porsche Cayman from InstaForex. The prize draw is in full swing! We will unveil the name of the future owner of the legendary German sport car in October this year. The campaign will be closed on October 19.
Please make sure you enter before the deadline. You still have the chance to obtain the keys of the premium roadster. Are you interested? You should top up your trading account with at least $1,500 and register for the campaign.
The procedure of the prize draw is absolutely transparent and honest. The happy winner will be determined entirely by exchange rates of major currencies at 23:59 on October 18, 2015.
Take part in the campaign from InstaForex! Only $1,500 for a brand-new sport car! Who knows? You could be the lucky trader to take the gorgeous prize.